Fact: Boston College is neither in Boston, nor is it college. I actually attend Brighton University which is in the Greater Boston area. Sort your life out BC.
It’s strange to think that I’ve been living in the US for over a month now and it’s even stranger that I feel very at home here now. The memories of going to the Fiddlers in Carrick or the Roost on a regular Maynooth Thursday seem so long ago and so far removed to where I am now. As I’m about to start my 5th week of college in America, I’m starting to get into the routine of lectures, work, studying, football games and of course, lots of Ultimate Frisbee. But every so often I get this strange feeling where I step back from what I’m doing and realise where I am. My friend Sinead described it perfectly when she called them her “America Moments.” It’s hard to describe, but at certain times when I’m doing something routine like walking to college, buying food or just sitting watching the Pats (The New England Patriots) on TV, I’ll get this feeling of “Wow, I’m in America!” I know that sounds stupid, but it really is something that you have to feel to understand. I don’t know what it is or why I get these America Moments when I do, but I think it has to be something to do with actually living in this country and then realising that what I’m doing is crazy! I’m almost 5,000 kilometers from home in a city where legendary teams like the Bruins, The Red Sox and The Celtics play, where the Boson Tea Party happened and where so many Irish people came over the years… and I live here.
I have to admit, it isn’t all great moments and fulfilled dreams here, I have been hugely disappointed by America, and more specifically by Boston in one aspect; there are no fat people here. Seriously, what use are stereotypes if I can’t even meet one loud, fat and stupid American? If you are what you eat, then Bostonians have eaten really fit, intelligent people. It seems to be particularly Boston College where the whole student body is incredibly athletic and into their personal health. I’m assured that there are some obscenely obese people here, but they’re mostly in the south. I guess they migrated, which is pretty much the last thing I expected them to do.
In other news, I’ve made my first ever American roadtrip! It was a short hop from Boston to South Bend, Indiana to visit all the Americans who were in Maynooth last year and the year before. They’re in St. Mary’s college, which is a sister college to Notre Dame. When I found out that I would be going to college in America, they all made me promise that I would come visit them. Back then it seemed so far away and I wasn’t sure if I’d get the chance to see them at all, but it all got sorted out and after class on Thursday night at 8, we started driving. I’ll spare you the details of our trip, but roughly 1450km (900miles) and 14 hours later, we rocked into South Bend!
Now it seems that all colleges in America have made their college into a brand, to be slapped onto hoodies, jackets, mugs, dog jackets, ashtrays, you name it, but Notre Dame seems to go just a bit further. Not only have they the brand of Notre Dame, but they’re known as ‘The Fighting Irish.” It’s a very strange experience to walk around a whole shop that has every conceivable piece of useless junk branded with ‘IRISH’ in a way that would make a product designer for Carroll’s think that they’ve gone a bit over the top.
If there is one thing Notre Dame to well, it has to be the band. I’m not just saying this because a good few of the girls who were in Maynooth are in the band, and they let me try on their hat, although that does sway my opinion slightly. So this is a big thanks to all the St. Mary’s girls and this time it’s your turn to make a promise that you’ll either come to Boston or back to Maynooth in the very near future.
Also, I have no idea how I lived without Dunkin’ Donuts (That's how they spell it!) I really can’t convey how much I love them in any amount of words. I’m certain that Shakespeare himself would have trouble. The best I can do is “I think, therefore I eat Doughnuts”
I've just realised that I haven't taken any more photos of Boston or Boston College, I suppose that's because the beautiful buildings on campus that I was once in awe of are now just where my classes are held, very odd. Although I can't offer you any photos of BC, I can however show you a photo of an unnecessarily large burger that I am quite proud to inform you that I finished :)